saif ali khan attacked with knife 6 time while saving maid and taimur jeh fans calls him a real hero pray for speedy recovery

saif ali khan attacked with knife 6 time while saving maid and taimur jeh fans calls him a real hero pray for speedy recovery

Saif Ali Khan Stabbed While Saving Maid And Kids: A person had entered Saif Ali Khan’s house last night and attacked the actor with a knife. After this the actor suffered serious injuries at many places. At present he has undergone two major surgeries and is now out of danger. According to the information so far, Saif has become a victim of the attack while saving his house maid, wife and children. In such a situation, fans are praising him a lot on social media.

According to the information revealed so far, the attacker had jumped into Saif Ali Khan’s building from the adjacent building. He first entered the maid’s room and then the children’s room. The househelp of Saif’s house started screaming after seeing the attacker, hearing which Saif came out of his room. During this time, there was a scuffle between the attacker and the househelp and then the attacker attacked Saif with a knife.

Fans showered praises
Fans are praising Saif Ali Khan for the way he risked his life to save the maid and children. Fans on social media are calling him a real hero. One fan wrote- ‘Actor Saif Ali Khan got injured while saving his maid, what a star. Get well soon hero. Another posted- ‘Saif Ali Khan is a real life hero. Praying for him.

A fan wrote in the post- ‘A father’s love knows no fear. Even if he has to face danger. Saif Ali Khan was stabbed while protecting his family during a robbery with his two young children inside their home. Praying for his recovery and strength for his family.

Saif will be discharged from the hospital soon

Saif Ali Khan has undergone more than one surgery in Lilavati Hospital. The actor is now out of danger and has been shifted to ICU. According to doctors, he can be discharged in one to two days.

Also read: Saif Ali Khan Attacked: Attacked at 6 places in the body, deep injury in the spinal cord, treatment in Lilavati, what have we learned till now?

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